For one night only…

Resolve Conflict Quickly & Feel Like a Team Again

Learn the keys to bulletproof partnerships & relationships

Public Interactive Talk by Jayson Gaddis
Founder & CEO The Relationship School®

“You always forget to replace the toilet paper roll!”

“Ugh, you forgot our anniversary again?!

“No, I’m FINE.”

Have you or your partner uttered one of those phrases recently?

You undoubtedly have because you never learned how to resolve conflict, for good. You were never taught how to take a heated argument and resolve it so both you and the other party feel heard, safe and respected.

We’re excited to announce that on Tuesday, May 28th, the Founder of the Relationship School®, Jayson Gaddis, will be leading a 3-hour long Mini-Workshop to arm you with his proven tools to resolve conflict even if your partner, parent or child loves to fight.

This is an important event if you’ve ever gone to bed hurt and angry.

If you’re a fast-paced entrepreneur, parent, or small business owner, you don’t have time to deal with much drama. But not dealing with interpersonal challenges will actually suck your time and drain your energy later.

You’ll learn how to resolve conflict by permanently rewiring your brain in this Mini-Workshop, so you don’t have to feel like an immature teenager whenever conflict enters your life.

Yes, conflict is hard. But you’ll learn how to use conflict to create win-win relationships, which will transform the way you relate.

Register Now!

Seats are limited, so RSVP right now!

Date – Tuesday, May 28
Time – 5:00-8:00pm MT
Location – Grid Collaborative Workspace, 445 Broadway, Denver, CO 80203, USA

© The Relationship School