I was a sensitive, creative child- the “canary in the coal mine” of my family. At a very young age, I felt that there was something amiss. It was as if there was an unspoken understanding: We were loved and accepted as long as we didn’t bother each other with our needs or make mistakes. I started connecting the dots between my parents’ unloving behavior and their own painful childhoods, and developing my intuition. I learned to abandon myself in order to get acceptance, but I was hurting and longing to feel seen and loved for who I was. Fast forward many years of relationships as a partner, a divorced, partner, a mother, an employee, and a friend, I saw my old, protective patterns of abandoning myself in order to be accepted repeatedly showed up- even in my art practice. As a leader of creative teams in my career, I saw the challenges they faced when they unknowingly brought their old, painful relationship stories to their team interactions. I became even more interested in learning how to do- and coach for- better relationships, becoming a student at The Relationship School. I learned how to transform my own relationship narrative from one of being the “victim” to being more responsible and empowered in creating the relationships I want. I am excited to be devoting my second career to helping folks become more empowered in their relational lives with others as well as themselves.