Circumstances would allow me the opportunity to travel with a backpack for 10 years. Exploring different cultures and lifestyles, I quickly recognized that people all over the world have an innate desire to connect with each other, which emphasized the importance of relationship skills.
Life is pretty crazy, especially these days. At the heart of all of our experiences are relationships, be it with loved ones, the people we work and play with, and most importantly, the relationship we have with ourselves. Learning skills and tools to help us navigate our increasingly stressful world are invaluable. If you would like to have a guide and partner along your path of discovery, I would be honored to be of service.
Oh, I should also mention that along this journey, Play has been underlined as our FUNdamental purpose, from my perspective. So my coaching, when appropriate, will weave in some playful aspects to help create a more playful world.