Since I was young, I have been fascinated by people and our relationships with each other. I’ve always wanted to understand better how to help myself and others with relationship pain and struggles. By the time I was finally able to formally study psychology in college, I never looked back. After working throughout my twenties in therapeutic settings with mothers dealing with addiction, and teenagers in residential treatment, I went back to school to obtain my Master of Arts in Transpersonal Counseling Psychology from Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado. Since moving to Boulder in 2000, I have continued to seek out ongoing, cutting edge training in various psychological healing modalities for personal development and healing, in psychotherapy as well as yoga. Most recently, I have trained with Stan Tatkin, PsyD, in the PACT approach to working with couples. Now, my primary focus as a psychotherapist and coach is couples. In nearly two decades of practice, I have seen the profound effects on my client’s physical and mental well being through the journey of personal and relational development. It is truly amazing what is possible in our life when we have willingness, curiosity, and support to make the changes that enhance our growth and development as individuals, partners, parents, friends, and beyond. I am fortunate to be able to witness over and over how healing is always possible, within ourselves, and with those we love. I enjoy working with people in person through my psychotherapy practice in Boulder, Colorado, as well as virtually through my coaching practice. I also have the privilege of training relationship coaches through the Relationship School, so that more and more people can have access to the information, education, support, and experience of developing oneself into more capacity and possibility in one’s relationship life.