Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm MST
Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm MST
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Dale Sparage

Dale Sparage

My name is Dale Sparage.

I have been coaching for eight years. As a Relationship Coach, I want to work with you to become unstuck and evolve your relationships to new levels of mutual trust, love, and connection.

Completing a 30-year marriage, narcissistic abuse, and over a decade of dating has given me a deep understanding of the complex nature of the journey to find true self, love, and healthy relationships. I’ve let go of unhealthy patterns with men and learned how to relate and love successfully and happily. This led me to find my life partner.

Acquiring my Master’s in Fine Art and a Bachelor of Education laid a foundation for me to use my intuitive and creative approach to coaching. Combining visual arts, yoga, and meditation teacher expertise, I’ve been on a transformational path for decades. By employing Present-Centered Couples Coaching and my training in Conscious Uncoupling, I help couples navigate the tumultuous decision-making process of whether to stay or part ways, all the way to forging new paths beyond uncoupling.

I’ve learned and developed healthy models for intimacy and understand the loss and grief associated with letting go of love and the internal work it takes to find or grow healthy love and relationships. I am fiercely committed to helping clients find their voice and live a fully self-actualized life.

I am trained and certified by Katherine Woodward as a Calling in ‘The One’ and Conscious Uncoupling Coach. I’m writing a book called Falling in Love When the World is Falling Apart.