Get Certified As a Relationship Coach
And Deepen the Meaning And Fulfillment In Your Life By Serving Others
Become the kind of relationship coach who works for yourself and within the first session, gets right to the root of the client’s issue and helps them start dismantling it through high quality challenge and support.
Dear Friend,
Imagine a career that draws on your passion for personal growth and relationships, that harnesses your ability to support, challenge, and connect with others, and helps you to develop as a person while you help others to do the same.
What if you could earn a living while making an impact on thousands of people’s lives, and even on the future of society and how we treat each other?
That’d be pretty cool, right?
Well, that job does exist. It’s the job of a relationship coach, and I believe that relationship coaches will play a crucial role in the future of our culture, not only in the U.S., but around the world.
A career as a relationship coach can be incredibly fulfilling, both professionally and personally. You can work from home and coach people virtually all over the world. Becoming a relationship coach really could change your life, and it can also change the world.
Look around at people. What do you see?
I see a lot of people in pain, suffering, and struggling in their interpersonal relationships. Here are a few highlights:
- An estimated 80% of couples are headed in the direction of divorce within their first four to five years of marriage (Gottmans).
- Stress related aliments costs the US $300 billion every year. $100 billion more than what obesity costs.
- 7 out of 10 Americans take at least one prescription drug
- Loneliness is more lethal than smoking 15 cigarettes per day
- Only 12% of mental health conditions in the DSM-V have a treatment for them.
- The rate of antidepressant use in this country among teens and adults (people ages 12 and older) increased by almost 400% between 1988–1994 and 2005–2008 (National Center for Health Statistics)
- 1 in every 10 Americans takes an antidepressant
I don’t know about you, but when I look at those stats, they are sobering. They tell me that behind everyone’s happy Facebook and Instagram pics, people are indeed hurting.
And it tells me that these people need your help.
Wouldn’t it be great if the suffering in the world went away, but conflict and human suffering have been around forever and I don’t think our species can transcend that.
So, rather than aim for peace and Utopia, I want you to have the chops to help people in the trenches of their daily lives, helping them navigate the difficult people in their lives and help them navigate their relationship to themselves.
A lot of people don’t actually like themselves, or they are unfulfilled.
This is where you come in.
You can improve that natural ability to help others by becoming a Relationship Coach and you can upgrade any old habits of enabling, codependency, or rescuing.
The World Needs You More Than Ever
Why do relationship coaches matter? Because 1 in 2 marriages end in divorce, and 3 out of 5 Americans are lonely. We have a loneliness epidemic and a looming mental health crisis. Couples that do conflict well live 10 years longer than couples who don’t. Relationship stress is a chronic disease that’s destroying our quality of life, shortening our lifespan, bankrupting health care systems, and threatening the health of future generations. And our medical model is not prepared to address it. Why?
Because the only way to prevent or reverse the loneliness or mental health epidemic and help people feel empowered in their relationships is by changing how we do conflict, how we listen, how we parent, how we work with our triggers, and how we communicate our needs.
Traditional therapy is simply not set up to do this and it’s too broad. The vast majority of trauma and mental health issues stem from a relationship issue. The bottom line is we need people who can provide the support and challenge to help people transform how they show up relationally. We need empathetic and compassionate people with skill and street-level tools for human connection and a passion for change, and my job is to make sure they have all the training they need to do their jobs so well they will change the future of society and our interconnectedness with others.
As the 80+ year Harvard study suggests, we have reached a new place as a culture where safe, deep, connected human relationships are central to a well-lived life.
Will You Answer The Call To Help?
My guess is you are on this page because you’re the kind of person who naturally wants to help others.
You’ve been that way your entire life. It’s one of the wonderful things that makes you unique.
When someone’s in trouble, you feel a pull to help, even as onlookers walk by.
When you were a kid, you were the one in the family who tracked the upset, the pain, the confusion and tried to make it better.
I used to be a lot like you, always tuned into other people’s emotions. As a kid I tracked the emotional and relational dynamics in my family and with my friends on the playground.
As a teen, while other students were proving themselves through sports and good grades, I was trying to help people who were in pain.
As I got lost into drugs and alcohol in college, this part of me never went away. I was still pretty lost later on in my 20’s, and my helper was always there, too.
Every job I took, I was helping someone. I was a ski coach, an outward bound instructor, and a wilderness therapy guide.
I didn’t know it at the time, but I was hiding.
That’s right. Just like drugs were helping me hide, I used my helping to hide. I also found jobs where I could get some vicarious healing. When I got off work, I’d go drink. I didn’t know it at the time, but I was definitely avoiding something…
Regardless, I was a natural helper and I was good at it. One of the most intense jobs was working with troubled adolescent boys in the wilderness. I’d work 8 days on, 8 days off. Man, was it hard work.
The more I worked there, the more intense it got. (More stories on this later). But something also started to be revealed.
Gulp. I didn’t know what to say or do. I felt helpless
Another time, a boy said to me. “I lost my dad in a car accident.”
Ummm. yeah. What am I supposed to say or do with that? I started to see where my skills fell short.
I made some big mistakes and gave lame advice. For example, one kid got so angry he started ripping apart a tree. It was so intense. What was I supposed to do on that one?
I froze and did nothing. When I came around, I gave him advice instead of trying to understand him.
The more real and intense the issues became, the less I felt like I could help. Several months into my wilderness therapy job, I had a big “ah ha” moment. I had reached a “ceiling” on how effective I was at helping someone, and it was sobering. Humbling.
I felt inadequate. I felt ashamed and embarrassed that I couldn’t help more. I just didn’t know what to do.
Do you ever feel this way?
Or, maybe, you have real professional training like me, but you continue to help people in ways that are not helping them and depleting you. Perhaps you are a burned out therapist? Maybe you’re letting your clients drain you.
Maybe you keep rescuing someone that needs to fall on their face. Or maybe, you keep enabling that family member because you get to feel valued when you do that.
Or maybe like me, you let your own relationship life fall apart by continually choosing the wrong type of person. Every woman I dated, I tried to rescue. I always attracted insecure women that needed help. That way, I could avoid intimacy and revealing any of my own pain.
Once I reached a ceiling on how to help others, I finally decided I needed more formal training. So, I went and got a Master’s Degree in Psychology.
I wanted to confidently say that I could help anyone (this bit me in the ass later on…).
Since that time over 20 years ago, I have dedicated my life to studying human beings. I found the best teachers. I studied with masters. Then I kept studying with masters. When I couldn’t study with them, I read them, devoured their material and began to incorporate their teachings into my work with clients.
I took the formal academic approach where I studied at Naropa and got my Master’s Degree in Transpersonal Psychology & Counseling. While getting my Master’s Degree, I also did a 3-year training to become a Gestalt therapist. I also worked as a psychiatric crisis worker at our local Mental Health Center.
I spent tens of thousands of dollars on seminars and programs. I started meditating every day, becoming a Vajrayana Buddhist practitioner so I could study my mind and internal experience. Then I became a licensed psychotherapist and built my own very successful private practice in Boulder, Colorado.
After years in private practice, I was getting fed up with how ineffective I was.
The same couples would show up, week after week, with no improvement. How could that be possible?
It took me a few years to really figure it out, but finally, something clicked.
Hear me out — the training I got as a therapist was invaluable. Yet the entire model was based on a triangle: Victim, Persecutor, Rescuer. The therapist is the rescuer, the client is the victim, and their parents or someone that hurt them was the persecutor.
The triangle model has its place. Yet, I was done with it.
Which is why I embraced coaching.
I wanted my clients to get results.
I didn’t want to work with people who were not willing to move beyond their story, their past, and get empowered. I felt so damn ineffective with people deeply entrenched in their dramas. (Also “trauma therapy” requires very specific training that I had received, but no longer wanted to use. By the way, if you identify as having big trauma, a trauma therapist is the place to go!)
I found mentors that taught me even more efficient and effective ways to get results with clients. And, the more I tried it, the more it began to upset the therapy clients I was working with and the more it brought me coaching clients I wanted.
My Master’s Degree in Psychology taught me about the psychology of human beings. Yet it didn’t teach me much about relationships and how to work through my past hurts without latching a story onto my mom or my dad (in fact, my therapy training reinforced my untrue story that my Dad had emotionally abandoned me).
For these reasons, I continued to seek teachers and mentors that use non-therapy tools. I studied with anyone I could, went to workshops, and read everything I could on relationships. I was also blazing a trail from my own experience with my soon-to-be wife.
I also wanted to raise my rates and get paid more for the results-based work I was doing with people.
It was time to transition out of being a therapist and into being a relationship coach.
What I needed was a clear map that laid out how relationships work. I knew that once I had this map, I could quickly and effectively help my clients.
During this realization, I closed my doors as a therapist, let go of all of my “therapy” clients and went all-in on developing this path to relationships and began to build my coaching practice.
Soon after becoming a coach, I developed my own map of how relationships work, coaching techniques (that are not therapy), and started leading longer groups and eventually started The Relationship School®.
This coaching method is extremely effective with high functioning people who want better relationships.
I call this innovative coaching method…
Present Centered Relationship Coaching™
Oof! It was a LOT of studying. But, after years of work, I finally codified the map that I had been missing:
Present Centered Relationship Coaching™ helps coaches quickly and effectively:
- Get clear with their client on what rupture or issue they want to address
- Identify the root cause of the rupture or issue
- Address the root cause
… all within the first 60-minute session!
When I was a therapist, I couldn’t get this kind of result even after MONTHS of sessions!
Yes, Present Centered Relationship Coaching™ works even if the client:
- Has been going to therapy and coaching for years without change
- Has a traumatic childhood experience
- Has issues with authority and seeking help
- Has low self-esteem
- Fights and blames anyone who tries to help them
Once I started coaching clients using Present Centered Relationship Coaching™ Method, I saw rapid behavior change.
Finally I was making a real, big, measurable difference.
This map allowed me to build my reputation as someone who can really help others, which led to a very busy coaching practice.
Present Centered Relationship Coaching™ has five core objectives.
- Presence
- Attunement and tracking
- Client self-knowledge
- Coach self-knowledge
- Integration
Today, the Relationship School’s Relationship Coaching program is second-to-none.
By becoming a Relationship Coach at Relationship School®, you will:
- Be trained in Interpersonal Intelligence® the only map that shows how relationships really work and how to do them well
- Get trained in Present Centered Relationship Coaching™️
- Get the cutting edge education on relationship dynamics from Jayson Gaddis, founder of Relationship School® (so much has been discovered in the last 6 years… it’s an emerging science!)
- Identify your own coaching blindspots and get support on how to overcome them
- Learn why you attract clients that push your buttons and what to do about it (hint: it’s got more to do with you than them!)
- The truth about liability insurance and what you need to cover yourself
We stand alone in this program because we have the only true map that clearly defines how relationships work.
By becoming a Relationship Coach at Relationship School®, you will:
- Learn why your presence as a coach will dictate the results you get with clients
- Get the 12 core principles and 5 objectives of Present Centered Relationship Coaching™
- Learn the 5 building blocks of effective coaching sessions (and you’ll practice them dozens of times!)
- Find out the 3 growth-stopping coaching session fumbles most coaches make (and how to avoid them systematically)
- Understand what the role of a coach is and how to present yourself so you’re welcomed into a client’s heart and mind
- Discover how to self-regulate in order to provide more space for your clients to open and share
… and a lot more.
These Five Building Blocks of Present Centered Relationship Coaching™ will be your guideposts along the way with 7-10 coaching skills within each.
- Foundation/Context setting
- Presence/Support
- Presence/Challenge
- Presence/Deepening
- Inner Work
You can improve that natural ability to help others by becoming a Relationship Coach and you can upgrade any old habits of enabling, codependency, or rescuing.
Who Am I and Why Should You Care?
I got into relationship work because as a young relationship challenges were the most painful part of my life.
Bullying, feeling left out, and having a series of fights and failed relationships, led me to finally search for answers.
I’ve held senior leadership, counseling, positions at The Outward Bound School, Second Nature, Emergency Psychiatric Services at Boulder Mental Health Center, I was a family therapist and assistant group facilitator for perpetrators of domestic violence at The Longmont Mental Health Center, lead drug and alcohol facilitator at SOAR high school (a sober high school), and I was a family therapist at Monarch Center for Family Healing.
Soon after I got my Master’s Degree in Transpersonal Psychology from Naropa University, I also received my certification as a Gestalt Therapist from Gestalt Institute of the Rockies. I’ve logged thousands of hours working with people just like you over the last 20 years in a full range of relationship challenges including affairs, divorce, break ups, marriages, having kids, and so many other amazing adventures on the human journey!
Present Centered Relationship Coaching™ will arm you with the skills to truly help someone in need. It’s truly an honor to sit with people and help them navigate their core relationship issues.

So, what are you waiting for?
Permission? The right time?
The time is now to serve. The world needs you immediately.
If YOU can get a quick result for a client, they’ll continue working with you and refer their friends
We live in an era of getting results quickly, and Present Centered Relationship Coaching™️ allows trained coaches to get this result as quickly and effectively as possible. Whenever I cut through the fluff and laser-focus directly on the rupture a client had, they would feel a sense of clarity and ownership that motivated them to take action.
As my clients lives improved, so did the quantity and quality of referrals I received.
Back then, I didn’t even have to do any marketing because of the network effect of goodwill and word-of-mouth.
Stoked about this new-found map, I set out to build The Relationship School® to help coaches around the globe impact their local community and build a great lifestyle business that gave them flexibility and a sense of meaning.
Since 2014, I’ve worked tirelessly on improving Present Centered Relationship Coaching™️ and building the Relationship Coach (RC) Certification Program.
Here’s what it takes to become an effective, efficient and successful Relationship Coach
I’m sure you’ve seen the ads before…
“Become a coach in 6 weeks!
“Stop dreaming and start being the relationship coach you’ve always wanted to be! 3-day seminar teaches you all you need to know!”
“For just $97, you’ll learn how to become a world-class 6-figure coach, guaranteed!”
Ugh. They’re all over my Instagram feed.
My beef with these companies and coaching programs is that they simply don’t provide enough education, community accountability, or practice.
If you’ve attempted to master anything in your life, be it music or photography or interior design or mathematics, you know you can’t become world class in a weekend, right?
And probably not in six weeks either, right?
That’s why I built the Relationship Coach Certification (RCT) program to be a 9-month curriculum on how relationships work, and how to coach people well. That includes 17 modules of BOTH!
Plus real coaching sessions with real people as your clients. Eeek. There’s no better way to learn than jump in there and start seeing clients.
The structure for your 9 months are our Building Blocks. These provide the framework of all 50 or so skills you will learn in the RCT program.
This fully approved and regulated Certification Training is delivered in 17 Self-Study Modules and 17 LIVE modules.
Be at the Cutting Edge with Relationship Coaching
This program is truly unlike anything else out there. The curriculum is the culmination of everything I’ve learned in the past 20 years plus my own personal experiences as a husband, father, teacher, and mentor. This is an exciting, unique approach that completely changes the way you approach your relationships.

Enjoy a Teaching Style That’s Results Oriented
Present Centered Relationship Coaching™️ is an innovative method that gets right to the root of a client’s issue before helping them dismantle it. I’ve been in the trenches and know what works and more importantly, what doesn’t. At the Relationship School®, you’ll get great insights into proven tools and strategies.
Connection and Support
One of our top priorities is helping students feel supported and connected right from Day 1. We care deeply about you as a person and want to help you grow personally and professionally. We have a wonderful community with many lifelong friendships being made and professional relationships being forged. It’s life changing in every single way imaginable!

Private Online Community
You’ll receive access to the private Facebook community of your class’s RCT students, assistant course leaders, and Jayson. This exclusive online forum is a great way for you to engage with fellow students and coaches about the course’s content. Find practice partners, support and challenge each other weekly!
Grow a Lucrative Career with Flexibility
and Freedom
Relationship Coaches can make anywhere between $50 and $250 dollars an hour (and way more if you keep at it), depending on your practice. Experience an impactful career where you make a difference while also earning a rewarding income! Our graduates work one-on-one with clients and get the opportunity to advance in our CCT program by learning how to work with couples at a later date. And once they start seeing your real, measurable results, they’ll continue working with you and refer their friends!

Enjoy a Career Set Up for the Future
In our lifetime, we’re only going to continue to see automation take over jobs, leaving people to “figure it out” on their own. Not only are folks going to need more support from people in general, they’re going to need a guide who can help them figure out their ever-changing relationships, too. By becoming a certified Relationship Coach, you’ll be able to help these people who need you. Human connection can’t be automated, so you’ll be robot-proof and relevant immediately after you graduate and far into the future.
Take Pride in Knowing You’re Helping Others
Our mission is to help humanity build safe, sexy, and successful romantic relationships by giving you the most important education you never received in school: how to manage conflict and continue to better your relationships. It’s a rare, rewarding thing when you help people strengthen their relationships and overcome challenges that have stopped them from reaching their full potential. I can’t wait for you to experience this!

Develop Confidence to Work with Clients
We’re there for you every step of the way as you find your unique style and begin changing people’s lives through relationship coaching. Confidence is key, and our training teaches you how to be poised and self-assured even when faced with the more challenging clients.
Transforming Your Own Relationships
ot only will you be helping others, you’ll be helping yourself! People who become Relationship Coaches change their own relationships for LIFE. We will challenge you to look at relationships through a different lens, and once you do, you’ll never go back to your old bad habits. Watch as family, friends and partners see a hugely positive change in how you do life!

Join an Exclusive Network of Professionals
We are growth-development oriented human beings who understand that a strong romantic relationship is the most important predictor of life satisfaction. We treat a romantic relationship as a path to deeper self understanding, self-actualization and collaboration
Group Supervision Calls
Every other week coachable supervision will happen on a live call as you continue to hone your new skills. You and your classmates’ coaching sessions will be reviewed and feedback will be given to help you grow. We are one of the only coaching programs in the world that provides this hands-on level of feedback so you can continue to improve.

Peer Coaching Program
Every 2 weeks you’ll be charged with performing a 30-minute practice coaching session with your peers. This is an invaluable learning opportunity to “practice” in a safe context when the stakes are lower. Plus, you get to build community and connections along the way!
In-Person Workshop at the End of the Training (Optional)
While this event is optional. Relationship School®‘s in-person events are notorious for tears, laughs and deep bonds that last a lifetime. You are strongly encouraged to attend and come celebrate your hard work and receive your certificate in person.
You will also learn new coaching techniques and tools at this event. More bonus learning for you to become an awesome Relationship Coach!

Eligible for Certification
Everyone is eligible! And if you do all the work required, you’ll become a level 1 certified Relationship Coach and be well on your way to making a difference in this world. Now that’s something to be proud of!
Watch the Free Introductory Class
Success Stories from our Graduates
I would say my practice has changed 100%. With The Relationship School®, it’s like really getting in there with someone and being me in the session, and sharing how they’re showing up with me, and inviting them to do the same. I’m here to be more present with myself, and to help you do that. Then whatever action comes out of that is great, but it’s more about the relationship. So it’s like the target has just moved completely.
I think anyone and everyone should take this course. It’s probably why my passion is so deep in taking it to adolescents. Then, hopefully, it’s just going to snowball where we’re starting it in kindergarten. My vision and goal and excitement is that it’s just infiltrated into the school systems that the teachers are doing this, and the administrators are doing this, and the politicians are doing this, and it’s going to be a trickle-down effect. It’ll be the best thing you’ve ever done in your life. Yeah, no doubt.
I can speak to why coaching is a clear choice for me. I’m on a mission to help a bunch of people like millions in this lifetime and coaching is slightly more fast-tracked. It’s action-based results. It’s about accountability. There’s that aspect as well as really seeing someone and witnessing them in their messiness and their growth and their pain. So, it brings in that side of therapy where you’re really witnessing someone where they are. But I think it’s a lot more results-based and therefore faster, and my projection is that it can be more effective for certain people to actually see a coach versus a therapist. We’re trying to really make a change now.
I originally took the course, because I sucked at relationships. I kept going from one, to the next, to the next, hoping that the other people would be better. And then eventually I realized that I’m the one that had to improve. And when I realized that, and took the course, it just radically changed my whole life. I went from aimlessly wandering veteran who had previously been an alcoholic, and even addicted to drugs and homeless, to whoa, actually I can take ownership in my parts of all my problems, and change my whole life. Now I’m a relationship coach, and I help people, and I feel super served by everything I’ve encountered here.
Grow your self-confidence by strengthening your natural gifts
You were born with the gift of being a helper. That’s why you’re still reading this… because you know you’re meant for a life of service to others.
The magic thing about becoming a Certified Relationship Coach is that when you spend time honing your natural gifts, you will feel an increased sense of self-worth, which increases your confidence and self-esteem.
Ask any RC graduate and they’ll tell you they walk a little taller knowing that they are clear about their purpose in life, and knowing that they are living that purpose day-in and day-out.
You’re also going to grow in your self-confidence when you surround yourself with other RC’s who are there to see you for who you really are and love you. The vibe of the RC groups is out of this world… so much vulnerability and love.
Your friends and family are going to notice a huge shift in you as you move through the course. They’ll say “WTF happened to her/him/them? They’re so solid!”
And when you hang your certification on your wall, you’ll be reminded of your dedication and the monumental accomplishment of completing the RCT program.
Relationship Coach Certification Training
Click here to see what you'll learn at DPIR Modules
- Context & Logistics
- How relationships work – responsibility & attachment
- Self-connection – how to not get lost or stuck on this journey
- The value of feedback & how to do it well
- How human beings develop over time
- Needs – part 1
- Needs – part 2
- The family system
- Conflict & interpersonal stress
- Repairing ruptures
- Clearing resentments & judgments & the 180
- Comparison, self-judgment & self-worth
- Feelings, emotions, shame & guilt
- Fear in relationships
- Boundaries
- Compass & adult attachment
- Sex
Click here to see what you'll learn at RCT Modules
- Introductions and Logistics
- First session with a client
- Intention & Change
- Here and now experiments
- Motivational Interviewing
- Getting a client to own their part / Deepening
- Time Boundaries with clients, Resentment, and how to give them feedback
- Challenge Vs Support
- Working with Deflection
- Finding an Opening, Pacing, Letting go of an Agenda + Integration
- Coach entanglement
- Freezing in a Coaching Session & Pacing
- How to help clients go from pain to purpose
- How to transform past events into present victories
- How to integrate conflicting parts
- Boundaries
- Closure and wrap up
Who is this Certification Training For?
You may be asking, “Is this program right for me?” Great question!If you say yes to any of the following, I think you’re in the perfect place:
- I’m very into learning about people
- I’d love to have a career helping others
- I want a lucrative career with flexibility and the freedom to choose my own hours
- I want to know the latest cutting edge approaches to relationship challenges
- I want a unique certification that stands out in the marketplace and actually makes a difference in the world
Sounds too good to be true, right? Wrong — it’s all real, and it can really happen for you. I encourage you to apply right now and embark on this journey with me. It will change your life, I guarantee it. It’s time to invest in yourself both personally and professionally. I’m extremely proud of this unique, rewarding program that goes above and beyond to give you the tools and skills needed to help others in a deep and meaningful way.
Who is this Certification Training NOT For?
- This training is NOT for you if you want to stay a victim and stay stuck in a victim model of healing
- This is not for you if you want a safe place to work your stuff out
- This is not for you if you are looking for the training or its leaders to help you feel safe and heal
- If you are stuck in blame and cannot take personal responsibility, then this training is definitely not for you
How Do Our Coaches Do After They Graduate?
Do They See Real Clients & Make Money?
We recently reached out to our TRS Relationship coaches to get an idea of the impact they’re having out in the world.
- We got responses from 11 RCT grads, 3 of which are currently coaching full-time, 7 coaching part-time, and 1 not coaching at all.
- The coaches are seeing an average of 1-15 clients a week at an average of $150-200/hour, bringing in anywhere from $150-800/week or $300-600/month, to upwards of $75,000 a year.
- Most of the coaches have served about 10-20 clients so far, with 2 or our coaches at over 100 and 200+ clients reached so far.
- Overall, the coaches expressed that they experience all of the relationships in their life (from coworkers to friends to relatives to strangers) all being positively impacted as a result of their TRS education, and a few coaches are offering community events and group support.
- There’s a unanimous desire from all of our coaches to expand their business and reach more people and we hope to help facilitate this potential in the near future.
Here’s What Leading Authorities Are Saying
We need to foster emotional competence in our children, as the best preventive medicine.
The quality of our relationships determines the quality of our lives. When we invest time and energy learning how to love and be loved, we heal pain from the past and we create the conditions for greater health in future generations.
I mean, none of us learned this stuff in school. We didn’t learn how to learn and we didn’t learn how to do relationships. Those are the two things that should be taught in schools.
What Sets The Relationship School®’s Certification Training
Apart From Others?
We know that there are other relationship coaching programs, and we don’t claim to be right for everyone. We want you to be sure that this is the best Training for you, based on your professional goals and the kind of work that you want to do in the world. Here’s what sets us apart:
So Here’s Your Next Step
We know you want to make a difference in the world, but you also want a solid return on your time and investment. Our goal is to always go above and beyond to give you both! We’re committed to investing in you when you invest with us. Experience a unique training program that prepares you to have the kind of coaching practice, lifestyle and income you want. You get out of it what you put in, so be ready to go all out! Won’t you join us?
Not Everyone Who Applies is
Approved to Join RCT
After seven enrollment periods, we’ve learned that it takes more than just an interested person to become an effective relationship coach.
That’s why we have this application process. Here’s how it works…
Step 1: Apply to talk to Student Success Coordinator
The Student Success Coordinators (SSCs) are RCT grads who have help us screen prospective students to make sure they feel clear and confident in their decision, plus are a good fit for the program.
Step 2: Meet with the Student Success Coordinator
Show up on time, on video for your call with your SSC. During that call, you’ll be able to ask any questions about the path to becoming a certified Relationship Coach, what their experience was like, what content is covered, how the live events are, or whatever else comes to mind. They’re an open book!
The SSC will, in turn, ask you questions about your life vision and to make sure the RCT program is right for you. If everything looks good to them, you’ll move forward to interview directly with Jayson. Once it is determined that you are a good fit, we’ll help you work out your payment plan that works best for your unique situation.
Step 3: Play all-out and grow
Once you’re enrolled in the program, class will kick off, and twice-monthly you’ll meet with your group to discuss the training. You’ll be expected to show up and play all-out, which means finding your edge and pushing yourself to be present and engaged.
Prerequisites for Becoming a RCT
There are NO prerequisites for becoming a RCT! Anyone can apply!

Our Guarantee
When you enroll into RCT, you are eligible for a 30-day, unconditional refund of any payments made, minus your non-refundable deposit. This policy begins on the first day of class, and includes any payments made prior to then (excluding your deposit). You will have 30 days from then to exit the course and provide us with a written request for a refund. We require that you take part in an exit interview with a member of our student development team prior to releasing your funds. After 30 days, you are no longer eligible for a refund, and any requests made for one will not be honored under any circumstances.
30 days allows you enough time to get a good taste of what we are doing. It’s also a time for us to evaluate your ability to do the work. We expect students to abide by the student agreement outlined in your student handbook. We reserve the right to remove you from the course at any point if we determine you are not ready for the program or are not abiding by the student agreements. Should this occur within the first 30 days, your full payment minus the non-refundable deposit will be refunded, provided it is within the first 30 days. If this occurs after the first 30 days, your right to a refund will be forfeited and you will remain obligated to any remaining payments.
Your investment into RCT does not end with your financial payment. An investment of time and energy are required, and if you are selected to enroll in our program, you are expected to play full out! We will lean into challenges together and you will not only learn how to have a successful relationship, you will learn what it feels like, because you will be a part of one with our School. It takes hard work, commitment and a willingness to apply consistent, steady practice. If you will engage in the process and take risks, you will leave here with the kind of lifelong results that can never be learned in a textbook.
Your Investment
Once you’re accepted into the training, you can choose the payment plan below that best suits you.
Super Early Bird
- RCT Tuition
Early Bird
- RCT Tuition
Full Price
- RCT Tuition
Payment Plans
BIPOC & LGBTQIA+ Scholarship
Starting in 2019 we’ve offering a select number of scholarships to students who identify as Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, and Intersex and Asexual (LGBTQIA+) into DPIR who are committed to the program and all it entails.
In 2020, our Diversity Outreach Scholarship program will instead be offered for our RCT course beginning in August. Click here to apply (application deadline is July 3rd, 2020).
Our Next Training Begins in September 2020
If you’re accepted and enroll, you‘ll receive a welcome packet, reading list, handouts, exercises and an introductory module right away. You’ll also be able to join our online community and start getting to know your classmates! The module release dates are listed below so you can put them on your calendar:
First Semester – Virtual Classes
- September 1
- September 15
- September 29
- October 20
- November 3
- November 17
- December 1
- December 15
Second Semester – Virtual Classes
- January 12
- January 26
- February 9
- February 23
- March 9
- March 23
- April 13
- April 27
- May 11
Meet your Supervisors in Training (SITs)
for your RCT Program
Introducing the team that will be assisting with the course and supporting you during these next nine months:

In their roles of Lead Supervisor in Training (Lead SIT) and Supervisors in Training (SITs) for the upcoming RCT course I feel confident that you’re in excellent hands.
Thanks Leah, Bryce, Corrine, Elise, Fereshta, and Megan for raising your hands, and hearts, to help.
A Final Thought
We live in a time where so many of us are waking up to the possibility that we can make a living truly
helping others while having the freedom and flexibility we crave. The possibilities are truly endless here.

The Relationship School®’s work reaches individuals, partnered individuals, couples, parents, teens, and young adults. We have the ability to impact so many people and make their lives better by helping to improve how they relate to one another. By becoming a certified Relationship Coach, you can make a living helping others transform their relationships while having the career flexibility and freedom that you’ve always wanted. It’s attainable, and it all starts here. Our Relationship Coach certification training is at the top of its industry and unlike any other program out there. The skills you’ll learn are revolutionary and will empower you to positively change as a person, too. You’ll come away with a deep understanding of relationship dynamics and the confidence to coach others who truly need your help. I look forward to reviewing your application and seeing you soon at training!
My warmest regards,
Jayson Gaddis
Founder of The Relationship School®
You can improve that natural ability to help others by becoming a Relationship Coach and you can upgrade any old habits of enabling, codependency, or rescuing.
Success Stories from our Graduates
It is difficult to put into words the vast gifts that I received from my RCT experience. I keep telling people it was life changing. And it truly was markedly life changing. I have been in the field of psychology and counseling since 1995. I love the field and know that I am on track for my life purpose yet was feeling stalled and stagnant. I was starting to feel burned out and I shifted my career trajectory into private practice and went about the business of acquiring new knowledge and skills specific to coaching. I graduated from the course feeling more confident in my skill level working with clients and with a renewed vigor for my career.
I’m married and I have an eight-month-old baby. I started off in DPIR and then RCT. I actually left my job as an environmental scientist and now I’m coaching. Without doubt, the Relationship School was the catalyst for me to switch careers and to be a stay at home mom at the same time.
I was very eager to learn about myself, learn about my helping abilities with people. And in reality I know I’m a helper, I know I like to rescue sometimes, I know that sometimes I can lose a lot of energy in connections with other people when they’re going through something just with my own exertion. So I was really ready to just be like, “Okay, how do I do this? How do I help people and not kill myself while I’m doing it?”
And now at the end of the nine months, I’ve realized there are ways to help people where I don’t need to exhaust myself because it’s changed my life. I’ve also seen where my relationships have grown, especially the one with my mother who was one of the most challenging ones. In high school, I said on my bucket list that I wanted to have a continuously evolving relationship with my mother, and I really can think of this education here and my willingness as well to come and do the work that my mom’s not the most challenging person for me anymore. And I feel so much closer to her.