Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm MST
Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm MST
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The Relationship School Podcast

The Relationship School Podcast

Smart Couple Podcast

The Relationship School Podcast

The Relationship School Podcast is for anyone who understands that without more learning and practice, you will not get far in your romantic relationships. Whether you want to learn how to better communicate with your partner, develop better control over your behavior, manage your moods and emotions, strengthen your social skills, or find more effective ways to manage your emotions, relationships with the right people can be a major step toward improving your life. At Relationship School, we love learning and love teaching. We want to help you and your partner have the best possible relationships.

If you’d like to learn more, check out our podcast: Relationship School Podcast

Relationship School Podcast

Fault vs Responsibility – SC 66

Fault vs Responsibility – SC 66

Listen to some semi-hate mail from a listener and find out the difference between me asking someone to take responsibility vs me blaming someone and making it their fault.

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5 Steps To Calm Down Fast During A Fight – SC 62

5 Steps To Calm Down Fast During A Fight – SC 62

Fighting, arguing, and disagreeing are essential in a relationship, But it’s critical to know how. Here’s a short episode to help you understand how to calm down fast so you don’t do or say something you’ll later regret.

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Listener Questions & My Direct Answers – SC 61

Listener Questions & My Direct Answers – SC 61

From daily porn use, talking to x-partners, to calming down when super triggered, in this episode we cover a lot of ground thanks to questions from listeners like you. Listen closely as I get right to the point.

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How Do I Know When It’s Too Hard? – SC 57

How Do I Know When It’s Too Hard? – SC 57

Relationships get hard. But how do you know when hard is too freakin’ hard? In this episode, my wife and I explore a very common complaint about long-term relationships, especially after the initial honeymoon phase wears off.

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