Want some help understanding what the opposite sex thinks and feels about being partners, parents, cohabitating, careers, etc.?
Care to learn how to structure leadership equitably with your partner?
Can you identify with stereotypical gender roles—specifically with couples who are also parents?
Curious to learn why some men resist or devalue hands-on parenting?
Join Jayson and Ellen as they unpack how gender roles play into your most intimate relationship, how they relate to our cultural landscape, and how to structure leadership/relate to each other as partners and co-parents.
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Very interested in this topic. Struggle with the control issues on my wife’s side (I bring all my own stuff as well). Men need to show up but women need to let us. I love that you point out that we do things differently, and that’s OK, and even beneficial. But how do we get to acceptance of this fact, which is impeded by issues around control?