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Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm MST
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MDMA in Relationships? – Dr Will Vanderveer – SC 13

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Can MDMA help our relationships if we do this in a legit way? I explore this question with Dr Vanderveer and we zero in on some key factors if you want to improve your marriage or relationship life using medicine such as MDMA.


  • Jayson shares his own experiences with MDMA – [1:50]
  • The Low-Down on MDMA trials [4:55]
  • Who is MDMA for? [6:20]

[bctt tweet=”It’s about helping people find their own wisdom. – Dr. Vandeveer re: MDMA/PTSD trials”]

  • What a MDMA-assisted psychotherapy session looks like [8:28]
  • “There’s something really warm and cozy about that” [10:50]
  • Why use MDMA? -Tapping into shared humanity. [13:22]
  • Why does traditional therapy often fall short? [14:45]
  • The importance of integration and structured therapy with MDMA [18:55]
  • Jayson’s MDMA use in college [20:40]

[bctt tweet=”We’re seeing huge changes, in almost everybody. – Dr. Vandeveer on MDMA/PTSD trials”]

  • Learning to use MDMA safely [24:00]
  • The “Quality”Problems that MDMA-assisted-therapy brings [35:55]
  • Jayson’s experience of a facilitated MDMA session [38:05]
  • Integrating these experiences into your relationships [40:30]
  • The context is everything” [44:15]
  • State-Changes vs Trait-Changes [45:30]
  • The future of MDMA-assisted psychotherapy [53:10]



List of Scheduled Drugs

MAPS – Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies

Research into use of MDMA to treat PTSD

2011 MDMA/PTSD Study

National Psychedelic Symposium

Rick Strassman – The Spirit Molecule

Meet the People Who Want to Make It Safer to Take Drugs at Festivals

Is Ecstasy the Key to Treating Women with PTSD?


MDMA podcast

About the Boulder Study:

MDMA in clinical trials has been given to 780 people with only one serious adverse event and no deaths. Per www.mdmaptsd.org

The Boulder study will total out at 26 participants, and altogether will deliver around 100 MDMA sessions to these folks (3 full dose per person and about 20 comparator-dose sessions).

Dr Vanderveer is a co-therapist with 6 participants (so far, 18 8-hour sessions, and a few more to go) and has administered doses to people around 80 times thus far. Needless to say, Dr Vanderveer has a LOT of experience in this setting.

ABOUT Dr Will Vanderveer:

Will Vanderveer, MD is the founder and medical director of the Integrative Psychiatric Healing Center in Boulder, CO, where he has practiced holistic psychiatry for 14 years. Currently he is wrapping up a Phase II randomized clinical trial of MDMA-assisted psychotherapy for treatment-resistant post-traumatic stress disorder.

The spiritual and physiological dimensions of traumatic experiences such as Adverse Childhood Events (ACE’s) and their physiological sequelae are a central focus of his clinical work. His skill set includes PTSD psychotherapies such as EMDR and somatic experiencing, adrenal and gut remediation, orthomolecular techniques, hormone balancing, and mindfulness and meditation instruction.

In addition to working with patients, he teaches holistic psychiatry, facilitates shadow work groups, and co-facilitates heal-the healer retreats with Gabor Mate.

For more information, visit and CONNECT with Dr. Will Vanderveer:

Will Vanderveer:


Psychiatry Masterclass:


Hear more from Dr Vanderveer In the Smart Couple here: SC 4 – Dr. Will Vanderveer




Antidepressants And Your Relationship – Dr Will Vanderveer – SC 4

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IN THIS EPISODE, You will learn:

  • the importance of relationship in integrative psychiatry
  • how to understand what makes the best treatment in psychiatry with and without medication
  • about alternative approaches to allopathic medication with integrative medicine
  • the importance of true intimacy in (more…)

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It’s all normal and understandable.

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