Here are a few of the highlights:
- 4:40 What surveyed men said they want from women
- 9:05 Acceptance
- 15:30 Support
- 17:35 Communication
- 20:30 Presence
26:05 Honesty
- 3 Types of Men in Partnership, Which One Are You? – Smart Couple Podcast #230
- For Men Who Have a Closed or Guarded Heart – Smart Couple Podcast # 231
- Toxic Masculinity & Male Sexuality – Smart Couple Podcast # 233
- Ellen’s Website
- The top 6 things women want from men (Advice from over 200 women)
- The Relationship School®

Ellen Boeder is a psychotherapist in private practice in Boulder, Colorado. Since 2004, she has worked primarily with women and is now incorporating couple therapy into her practice. Her theoretic approach includes transpersonal psychology, developmental attachment theory, family systems, and somatic and energetic modalities. For couple therapy, she also utilizes Stan Tatkin’s model, the Psychobiological Approach to Couple Therapy (PACT). She is inspired to support women and couple’s heal and grow in ways that liberate their authentic selves.