LAST CALL! For Therapists & Coaches Who Want More Effective Tools...
Resolve ANY Relational Issue In Half The Time With This Map & These Tools$647 $397
Countdown Until The the Price Goes Up
60 Days From Now You Will Become
More Educated as a Client or Student
A Relational Badass
More Skilled As A Healer
Therapists, Coaches, and Healers!
Dear Practitioner,
I’m grateful you are here and that you choose to live a life of service.
In 2005 I received my master’s degree in psychology. It was a 3 year intensive program. I supplemented this work with a 3 year gestalt therapy training. While I was in grad school, I volunteered as an emergency psychiatric “intern” on a mental health crisis team to get more experience.
During my extensive studies, not one class was offered on relationship. Zero.
Many years later, I explored the field of coaching and saw that once again, there was no curriculum on relationship or intimacy.
And, what makes this so funny and interesting is that the bulk of what people come see you about are relationship issues. In other words, your clients (and you) struggle with:
- Relationship to self
- Relationship to a partner
- Relationship to family members
- Relationship to authority
- Relationship to a life purpose
- Relationship to kids
- Relationship to friends
- Relationship to money
- Relationship to past hurts
That’s right.
Relationship is the common thread that runs throughout all of our lives.
So, if that’s true, then it seems prudent to have relationship trainings and courses in mainstream therapeutic and coaching schools around the globe (I’m working on that too. ? )
Because nothing specific was offered to me on relationship training, I devoured endless amounts of content and trainings to learn it myself.
And, I want to share some extremely effective tools to deal with your client’s relationship issues.
Not getting more educated about how to really work with your clients relationship problems, in my opinion, is a big disservice to them.
So, thanks for making it this far. Thank you for being interested in sharpening your relational sword.
In this 8 week course, you’ll be getting some of the most powerful relationship tools out there that you can use on yourself and your clients, starting tomorrow.
To me, “relationship fluency” is the greatest skill a healer, therapist, or coach, can have.
See you in there and thank you again for being committed to serving others,
- Requirements for going to the next level-7 Pillars
- What’s really going on in challenged relationships
- Communication and Conflict wizardry with the POS
- Embodied Experiencing
- Balancing thru the 180 Clarity to Freedom process

- Finding your power and courage out of the ashes
- How conventional “Motivational Interviewing” is key to your success
- Coaching vs Therapy
- Captive Audience and Saying NO
- Boundaries
- How to give feedback skillfully
Your Guide for the Program
About Jayson Gaddis
Jayson Gaddis, relationship student & teacher and host of the Smart Couple Podcast, is on a mission to teach people the one class they didn’t get in school–”How to do Romantic Relationships.” That’s why he founded The Relationship School®. He was emotionally constipated for years before relationship failure forced him to turn his life over to learning about relationships. Now, he’s been married to his amazing wife since 2007 (after some brutal break ups) and has two beautiful kids. When he doesn’t live and breathe this stuff with his family, he pretty much gets his ass handed to him.
Jayson believes that the world will be a better place if we just knew how to effectively work out our differences.
What You’ll Receive:
What You'll Receive: Over 15 hours of video and downloadable audio recordings
A private community with access to optional practice partners
PDFs, distinctions, and homework assignments to help you unlock your relational superpowers
Some Of What We Will Cover
Class 1
We immediately start in and you learn 3 basic tools that you can begin to practice with anyone
- Your goal
- My goal
- The 4 pillars we’ll be rocking during this 8 weeks (these are required for long-term relationship success with you and your clients)
- The view (and the outdated, bankrupt view)
- The mindset
- Balanced People
- 3 quick tools
- Relationship black belts
Class 2
You begin to work on yourself and start to see the “other side” of any human injury.
You’ll discover your superpower and why it’s so helpful (and sometimes unhelpful) as a healer.
You begin to learn the most powerful relationship tool I’ve found which helps you resolve issues that have lingered your entire life
- The 2 foundational human needs
- The core human injury
- FRACKing.
- What kind of clients (and people) you are currently attracting into your life
- The 180 Clarity to Freedom Process and The 5 c’s
- How your superpower came online
- Dealing with your rescuer
- If you are going to help people, we gotta tease out what you are tryin to work out, and replace it with clean help
- Why Motivational Interviewing matters
- Supervision/coaching
Class 3
I give you a basic map you can use with any client, any time to help them get to the core issue. Most therapists will spend months or even years trying to help someone get to the core issue. This step-by-step questionnaire takes care of it within a day or two.
You gotta get to the core issue or you’re wasting their time.
- 5 C’s review and questions
- Review basic tools +
- Getting their world
- Being “done” with an issue vs. transforming it
- Balancing the core complaint
- The 180 Clarity to Freedom process
- Supervision/coaching
Class 4
There is a very big difference between “advanced” relationship work and normal or conventional relationship work. You’ll want to know where you are and how it’s impacting your clients.
We also cover what happens when most normal people get triggered and why this matters, especially if you work with people directly.
- Advanced Relationship Work vs normal relationship work
- Androgyny
- What happens when you get triggered
- Core Complaint add ons
- Communication 101
- Supervision/coaching
Class 5
Everything you’ve learned thus far gets put to the test here as you sort out what is important to you, and your client or partner.
This is one of the tools I went without for almost a decade in helping people and I can barely believe my skills were effective. This tool took everything to the next level and made facilitating relationship work, so much easier.
This tool also has huge cross over implications in education and business.
- Communication 101 & POS
- Therapy vs Coaching
- Holding Space vs Hold and Challenge
- Motivational Interviewing
- Supervision/coaching
Class 6
We cover how to address all of this skillfully while holding your seat.
Then we dive into feedback. Most humans are starved of real, heart-centered, honest feedback. They need it and want it and it’s your job to give it to them. Listening alone is a waste of time. Learning how to reflect back what you see is paramount to healing work.
- Captive Audience
- 2 kinds of time outs
- Giving and receiving feedback
- Supervision/coaching
Class 7
Why they matter and how to do them. What works? What doesn’t?
Not getting boundaries is also detrimental to your relationship life.
- How did the feedback go? Did you take a risk? Share at end…
- Co-dependency (2 types)
- Boundaries
- Supervision/coaching
Class 8
We dive into your needs and your client’s needs and why “needs” are so important when it comes to working with couples and individuals.
You will see the value of seeing relationship as a path and be able to describe it to your clients. You will have embrace the new technologies for helping others with their relationship problems.
Now, you’re ready to apply what you’ve learned with friends, clients, and anyone who wants a great relationship.
- How did the NO go?
- Describe relationship as a path
- The difference between wants, needs, and shoulds
- Non negotiable needs
- The cost of not communicating well
- The Judging Oath
- What do you need to stay on it with the RAP work?
- Supervision/coaching


Bonus #1 - Class 9

Bonus #2 -Six Past Q&A Calls with Jayson

Bonus #3 - Private FB community

Bonus #4 - Optional Practice Partners

Bonus #5 - Fulfill your Pre-req to Apprentice in The Relationship School®

Bonus #6- The Hidden Bonus
Please Note:
Except for one live Q&A, this is a recorded class, not a live one.
While the class material is recorded, you will get:
- 16 hours of content
- One live Q and A’s!
- Lectures
- PDFs
- Homework
- Audios
- Videos
And a private facebook community to practice with

You can’t lose with this incredible guarantee!

However… Important: To be eligible for a refund, I require your completed homework from the first 2 classes, as well as a written description of the changes you were making and the results you got. This means you must apply my teachings to your life and your relationships. I know that if you do, you’ll get results. But If you do the work and don’t get value, then I don’t deserve your money and I’ll cheerfully refund you 100% of your tuition. I do this because I’m looking for serious and committed students only. I take my learning environment seriously and maintain a very high standard of truth, integrity, encouragement, and inspired, action-oriented learning.