Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm MST
Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm MST
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The Relationship School Podcast

The Relationship School Podcast

Smart Couple Podcast

The Relationship School Podcast

The Relationship School Podcast is for anyone who understands that without more learning and practice, you will not get far in your romantic relationships. Whether you want to learn how to better communicate with your partner, develop better control over your behavior, manage your moods and emotions, strengthen your social skills, or find more effective ways to manage your emotions, relationships with the right people can be a major step toward improving your life. At Relationship School, we love learning and love teaching. We want to help you and your partner have the best possible relationships.

If you’d like to learn more, check out our podcast: Relationship School Podcast

Relationship School Podcast

Moving From Victim To Genius – Gay Hendricks – SC 186

Moving From Victim To Genius – Gay Hendricks – SC 186

Ever heard of a freak accident rocking someone’s world and totally changing them for the better? Gay Hendricks has one of those stories! If you’re interested in the mind-body connection and seeking purpose, a forever partner or a new you…listen closely and Gay may just share all the wisdom you need, without experiencing your own life-altering mishap.

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Parents-Why Your Kids Need You To Be In Charge – Kim John​ Payne – SC 185

Parents-Why Your Kids Need You To Be In Charge – Kim John​ Payne – SC 185

Kids have been getting a lot of attention for troubling behavior recently…committing mass shootings, posting disturbing viral videos and lashing out at their parents with shocking rage. What is going on!?! In this episode, renowned author and counselor Kim John Payne clears up misconceptions about “disobedient” children and explains how you can bring a balance of power back to your household.

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Why it’s Essential to Fight in Front of Your Kids – SC 183

Why it’s Essential to Fight in Front of Your Kids – SC 183

Fighting in front of the kids is a major taboo, but should it be? What if we started treating each conflict in the home as an opportunity for relationship homeschooling? Jayson Gaddis has spent years teaching kids (including his own) about how to do conflict. News flash: Lectures aren’t the answer. Leading by example is!

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4 Women Who Are Transforming Their Relationship Life – SC 180

4 Women Who Are Transforming Their Relationship Life – SC 180

Wondering HOW The Relationship School® changes lives? If it’s really worth it? Curious why more and more people are saying it’s life changing and the best thing they’ve ever done? In this episode, we hear the honest stories of four Relationship School® students, each living different lives with unique challenges.

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Podcast Changes & Top 10 Podcasts From 2017 – SC 179

Podcast Changes & Top 10 Podcasts From 2017 – SC 179

Happy New Year! In this special episode, Jayson shares his candid thoughts on what worked for the Smart Couple Podcast last year, what did not and the changes planned for 2018. We also get Jayson’s top ten episodes list from 2017.

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