Feel Accepted & Connected
By working through interpersonal conflict effectively and efficiently
2.5-day Intensive Workshop
Be the most resourced person during any upset or
conflict by learning the basics of how to communicate
during conflict and stress.
Be honest. You want to feel connected more than disconnected, right? You want to feel accepted more than judged. If that’s the case, it’s up to you to make that happen.
Stop tolerating people who don’t get you, understand you, and know you. It’s time to uplevel your relational life and it starts with the person in the mirror.
All you need are a few simple, yet powerful tools to learn how to be a badass during emotionally intense moments in relationships. We all want to belong and be accepted for who we are. So come make it happen!
It’s Time To Discover The Number One Divorce & Breakup Prevention Skill
It’s shocking to me how many break ups and blow outs could be avoided if people learned one thing…
My wife and I fought a lot during our first three years of our relationship. We had two very difficult and emotional break ups.
But then we found our way and learned that conflict is a doorway into deeper connection.
Not only that, we found that it’s good for our health.
When the stress between us is down and our connection is clear of triggers, we not only feel better, but we can accomplish so much more.
Plus, the brain research is clear…
If you cannot, and do not, learn to regulate your emotions, shut down or reactivity during or after an argument, disagreement or fight, you create major health problems for yourself later in life. In fact, the Gottman’s research shows that couples who understand how to navigate conflict live ten years longer than couples who don’t!
People who don’t figure this out, end up feeling alone and/or being alone.
Or check this quote out from the International Business Times:
“Exposure to frequent conflicts between parents can impair brain development in children and place them at a greater risk of several mental health issues, researchers reveal.”
It’s just true now.
It’s what a lot of psychologists thought, but now we have the facts.
Or how about this from Couples Attachment Expert Stan Tatkin:
“Insecurity and insecure attachment negatively affect brain performance. Development can be slowed down because the brain is using most of its resources to manage being in survival mode instead of being free to move toward evolution, growth, and complexity.”
I wish there was a way to make conflict resolution a required part of the classroom in schools everywhere (this will happen soon, stay tuned). We’d thrive instead of survive…
But since it’s not being taught in schools and you never learned it at home, and because no couple can avoid conflict successfully over time, I invite you to learn with me, right here, right now.
Come to “Accepted & Connected” right now and learn the most vital skill that all successful couples understand:
If I had to choose only one skill, out of the countless I know, to help couples make it long term “how to fight well” is the one I’d choose.
In my two decades of experience with families and couples, this was the missing skill I observed every single time because it’s what had families and parents dragging their kids into forced treatment where I worked back in the day. The unwillingness or inability to do conflict well was the determining failure factor of every single family I knew. Above addiction, above mental illness, and far above anything else.
Later on in my career, same thing… The inability or unwillingness to do conflict was the only reason individuals and couples came in to see me when I was a licensed psychotherapist for almost ten years.
- Don’t be a couple who is crippled when it comes to having a thriving partnership.
- Don’t be an individual who is unprepared when you get in your next relationship.
- Don’t let your inability or unwillingness ruin your future awesome partnership.
- Don’t let your fight/flight/freeze response drive your partner away…
You can do this.
Embracing conflict will make you a stronger and more confident person and couple.
Learning how to fight well and deal with your inevitable upset will change your life.
You will be sought out by friends, family members, and co-workers as they flail along in disagreements and distance. You will be THE person that can stop drop and deal.
Or, do you want to put this off until you are in a relationship crisis again?
If you want to go for it, I applaud your efforts for making it this far in your life and this far to reach this page. It means you are pretty damn serious about learning this one for good.
Because this is like riding a bike…
… once you get it, you’ve got it for the rest of your life.
And, since the bumps in the road will always be there in your interpersonal relationships, you can rest assured knowing you have the power-tools to deal with any challenge that comes into your relationship life.
This event goes beyond arguments and deals with the heart of our unrest with the tension between you and others.
If you want to not only learn how to achieve a win-win resolution all the time, but also how to be a resilient warrior when you have ANY interpersonal challenge with family, friends or co-workers, then this Virtual Intensive training holds the keys to your new kingdom and to a much more empowered future.
See you in there!
Big respect,
Accepted & Connected
2.5 days you can’t afford to miss if you want to go to
the next level in your intimate partnerships.
November 2021
Regardless of where you are at in a relationship and how good you think you are, there’s always more to learn. We never stop growing. It’s not just for couples. For me it’s for my clients, it’s for my family, my kids, my real friends, and for my new relationship starting.
- How to listen until they feel understood
- How to ask for what you want
- How to set a boundary effectively
- How to get the connect back, faster
- Trying to change others demo and exercise
- How to own your needs without being needy
- The only context that creates win-win indestructible relationships
- What is a “secure homebase” and what’s required to establish and keep it strong
- How to create a safe container so you can handle any fight, conflict, or disagreement
- The master tool that will help you communicate effectively so you can get exactly what you want
And more!
This Event IS For You if You Are:
This Event Is NOT For You if You Are A:
Band-Aid Seeker
Plus, you’ll get added support and challenge during this event from our certified relationship coaches.
Your Lead Guide For The Event
About Jayson Gaddis
Jayson Gaddis, relationship student & teacher, host of the The Relationship School Podcast, and founder of The Relationship School® is on a mission to teach people the one class they didn’t get in school–”How to do romantic relationships.” He was emotionally constipated for years before relationship failure forced him to turn his life over to learning about relationships. Now, he’s married to his amazing wife since 2007 and has two beautiful kids. When he doesn’t live and breathe this stuff with his family, he pretty much gets his ass handed to him.
Relationship School Ambassadors that Endorse The Relationship School®
Dr. Gabor Maté
Ambassador - The Relationship School®
Dr. Stan Tatkin
Ambassador - The Relationship School®
Dr. Alexandra Solomon
Ambassador - The Relationship School®
(subject to change)
At a Glance
50 minute teaching sessions, practice, and Q&A
10 minute breaks between sessions
1 hour lunch breaks on Friday & Saturday
Use this website to convert the times listed below to your local timezone
- 4:00pm- 5:00pm, MT*: Orientation, Zoom Support
- 5:00pm, MT: Opening, Welcome, Teaching Session, Practice, Q & A
- 5:50pm, MT: 10-Minute Break
- 6:00pm, MT: Teaching session, Practice, Q&A
- 7:00pm, MT: Close for the evening
[/et_pb_fancylist][et_pb_fancylist title=”Friday, May 7th:” use_icon=”on” font_icon=”%%92%%” icon_color=”#383839″ disabled_on=”on|on|on” admin_label=”Friday, May 7th:” _builder_version=”4.8.2″ header_font_size=”40″ body_font_size=”22″ header_font_size_tablet=”51″ header_font_size_phone=”26″ header_font_size_last_edited=”on|phone” header_line_height_tablet=”2″ body_font_size_tablet=”51″ body_font_size_phone=”16″ body_font_size_last_edited=”on|phone” body_line_height_tablet=”2″ disabled=”on”]
- 10:00am, MT: Teaching Session, Practice, Q&A
- 10:50am, MT: Break (10 minutes)
- 11:00am, MT: Teaching Session, Practice, Q&A
- 11:50am – 1:00pm, MT: 1-Hour+ Lunch
- 1:00pm, MT:Teaching Session, Practice, Q&A
- 1:50pm, MT: Break (10 minutes)
- 2:00pm, MT: Teaching Session, Practice, Q&A
- 2:50pm, MT: Break (10 minutes)
- 3:00pm, MT: Teaching Session, Practice, Q&A, Integration
- 4:00pm, MT: Close for the day
[/et_pb_fancylist][et_pb_fancylist title=”Saturday, May 8th:” use_icon=”on” font_icon=”%%92%%” icon_color=”#383839″ disabled_on=”on|on|on” admin_label=”Saturday, May 8th:” _builder_version=”4.8.2″ header_font_size=”40″ body_font_size=”22″ header_font_size_tablet=”51″ header_font_size_phone=”26″ header_font_size_last_edited=”on|phone” header_line_height_tablet=”2″ body_font_size_tablet=”51″ body_font_size_phone=”16″ body_font_size_last_edited=”on|phone” body_line_height_tablet=”2″ disabled=”on”]
- 8:30am – 9:45am, MT: (OPTIONAL) Coffee with Jayson – Opportunities for Deeper Relationship Work
- 10:00am, MT: Teaching Session, Practice, Q&A
- 10:50am, MT: Break (10 minutes)
- 11:00am, MT: Teaching Session, Practice, Q&A
- 11:50am-1:00pm, MT: 1-Hour+ Lunch
- 1:00pm, MT: Teaching Session, Practice, Q&A
- 1:50pm, MT: Break (10 minutes)
- 2:00pm, MT: Teaching Session, Practice, Q&A
- 2:50pm, MT: Break (10 minutes)
- 3:00pm, MT: Teaching Session, Practice, Q&A, Integration
- 4:00pm, MT: Event Close
- 4:05pm – 5:00pm, MT: (OPTIONAL) Special Session with Jayson – Opportunities for Deeper Relationship work
*Mountain Time [/et_pb_fancylist]
Frequently Asked Questions
These are some of the most commonly asked questions about Accepted and Connected that we get. Check them out along with the provided answers, and if you have any other questions, make sure to contact us: [email protected].
Is this event in person?
It is all live virtual online from the comfort of your home.
Can I bring a friend or a partner?
Yes! You can register a friend or a partner for only $97 and as long as we have your partner’s or friend’s emails when you register, we will be sending out event reminder emails starting a week before the event starts.
Is this for single, divorced, or married people?
All of the above.
Is it only for couples?
No, over half of our past attendees have been partnered individuals or singles.
What do I need to get ready for the event?
In order to have the best experience, we recommend that you sign in to the event from a desktop computer, laptop, or tablet. The event includes participating in breakout rooms to practice with other participants and it is very difficult to do that from a mobile phone.
Also, prior to the event, download and install the latest Zoom for Client Meetings available here.
Check your email starting 7 days before the event starts for event announcements and reminders.
Make sure you know what time zone we start in (Mountain time)
What can I expect from this event? Will it all be teaching?
This powerful event will be broken down into 4 main modalities of learning:
- Lecture from Jayson
- Q and A sessions
- Coaching circles
- Practice
Is my ticket refundable after I pay for the event?
Your ticket is non-refundable.
Does my partner need to pay if we’re sharing the same computer?
Yes, but only $97!
How do I register for the event?
You can register here by May 6, 2021, at midnight MT at the latest.
How will I be contacted regarding the event?
You will receive a confirmation email right after you sign up and reminder emails a week before the event starts. So please check your Spam folders if you haven’t received any emails.
Will my “bring a friend or partner” receive information about the event as well?
Your “bring a friend or partner” will receive a confirmation email and reminder emails to the email address you provide for them during your purchase. The confirmation email will be sent right after you sign up, and reminder emails a week before the event starts. So please check your Spam folders if you haven’t received any emails.
I’ve heard there is LIVE coaching. Tell me about that
That’s right. During the event, you will have the opportunity to receive couples or individual coaching from one of the relationship school’s certified coaches. This will happen in a group context. It’s an extremely powerful way of learning and growing.
Come and be part of this life changing experience…
Join Us And Get The Keys To Creating Your Indestructible Partnership And Watch Your Life Fulfillment Expand & Increase.
We’ll see you online very soon!
Deep thanks,